

Small Business Email Campaigns that Get More Clicks

  • Apr 01, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

Launching an email campaign is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies small businesses can employ to build customer loyalty, promote products and services, and share new developments. Plus, there is a high probability that the campaign will be successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox. However, for best results, extra steps like these may need to be taken to prompt the recipient to open the email and click on the links inside. 

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Grow Your Reach Online By Making These Social Media Changes

  • Mar 15, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

You may be posting often, but are your social media channels producing traffic to your website and/or place of business? If your social media efforts are not growing your reach online and generating sales leads, the solution might be found in this list of quick tweaks that can help introduce more users to your brand.

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Why Your Website is Not Showing Up on Google

  • Mar 01, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

If you have a website and your sales have dropped recently or if you have never seen a bump in sales since launching your website, chances are your business is not showing up on Google searches. An easy way to check is to search for the services or products you offer. If your website URL does not show on the first couple of pages of the organic search return or your business is not listed in Google Maps, the following issues may be the reason your website is not effectively driving online users to your business.

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Why Your Marketing Plan Should be Reviewed Annually

  • Feb 15, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

You know to review your tax plan, your annual budget for salaries and bonuses, the upgrades and renovations budget, your rainy day and someday funds, and your charitable donations for the year. But, one annual review business owners and company executives all too often forget to schedule is their marketing plan. Here are 5 reasons missing this strategy session could be a costly mistake.

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Marketing Solutions for ASD Vendors and Attendees

  • Feb 01, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

Marketing plays an enormous role in the success of ASD Market Week exhibitors and attendees. The desire to make the best use of this highly energizing week that is packed with demonstrations and informative workshops is one thing all participants have in common. But, with only one week to make the best deals, discover top trends, and grow connections, it is imperative to utilize effective online marketing solutions to avoid missing a sale or special savings offer.

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How to Use Reels to Boost Your Sales

  • Jan 15, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

If your organic posts are not reaching enough users on Facebook and Instagram, creating Reels could offer the boost you’ve been missing to grow your audience and attract more viewers to your page or website. Since late September of 2021, Facebook has joined Instagram in allowing users to share Reels - a decision that may have transformed business social media marketing tactics forever. Check out these 4 key Reels strategies that could have a massive impact on your online reach, search return rankings, and sales conversions in 2022.

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These Marketing Tools Make Video Posting on Social Media Channels Easy

  • Jan 01, 2022
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

Posting videos on social media channels is essential to attracting more customers to your business feed, but it can become a time-consuming and overly complicated chore that takes you and your employees away from core business tasks. Luckily, these four marketiing tools combat the challenges of editing and uploading your engaging content and turn video posting into a smiple process that looks like you hired a pro.

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Marketing Solutions That Expand Your Law Firm's Reach Online

  • Dec 15, 2021
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

Growing your law firm by attracting more clients online does not have to be overly complicated. That said, it will take the combination of the right tools, expertise, and support to expand your reach and connect with search and social media users who are looking for the services you offer. Use this SEO checklist to develop an effective marketing strategy that will give you a powerful boost in the search engine rankings you need to get noticed!

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Why CPA Firms Need a Comprehensive Professional Online Presence

  • Dec 01, 2021
  • Architechs for the Web
  • Online Marketing for CPAs

Gone are the days when a standard website could be enough to attract clients to your CPA firm's URLs online. Today, your CPA site is at the core of everything your clients know about your team, business values, and, of course, the services you provide. This means if you have been pushing off that free marketing analysis of your four-year-old website's performance as well as other integral search engine optimization services, you are likely far behind the competition in terms of both business growth and client retention. Here's why.

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Top Law Blog Writers and Attorney Content

  • Nov 15, 2021
  • Architechs for the Web
  • General Info

Posting informative and engaging content on your law firm blog is essential for attracting new clients to your website. The challenge comes with knowing what search engine users are searching for online as well as how to write articles that are both engaging and informative while climbing the Google rankings for related keywords. Thankfully, writing your content does not have to be time-consuming, overwhelming, or overly expensive. A professional marketing firm that is experienced in developing effective SEO content for attorneys could be the missing ingredient you need to turn your website and blog into a Google magnet!

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