SEO Marketing Experts for CPA Firms and Accountants
- Apr 01, 2021
- Architechs for the Web
- Search Engine Optimization
Is your CPA firm in need of search engine optimization (SEO) services from marketing experts? Find out how you stack against your competitors and discover why costly SEO mistakes like DIY marketing could be what has been holding you back from maximizing your online potential. This is accounting SEO 101, and everything you need to know about how our experienced professionals can help you finally get the online traffic you've been missing!
Start With a Search For Your Firm on Google
What you already know is that individuals and businesses alike need your accounting services. It isn't really a question of if they are searching for your services but rather how are they searching and if your firm is showing up in the returned listing. To see if your firm is visible to your local online audience, we suggest starting with some of the most popular searches. Depending on where your firm falls in the returned listing, you can begin to uncover potential ranking issues.
For example, try searching the common phrases below. Keep in mind, these are just three of the hundreds of different ways your potential clients are searching for you. At Architechs for the Web, our experienced SEO professionals will keep track of a lengthy list of your rankings on popular terms on your behalf along with your ranking improvements.
a. CPA Near Me
b. Accountants Near Me
c. Tax Preparation Near Me
Where Does Your Firm Show Up?
SEO is a broad term. However, your marketing professional can apply proven SEO techniques to clearly interpret and improve specific strategies that will build your website traffic, introduce your brand to new users, and grow your business both online and offline. Going back to the searches above, what were your results? Was your firm listed on the first page? How about your placement in the Google Map rankings? If your firm is not visible on the first page with your competitors, the hard truth is it is not likely users will not continue browsing through the additional pages of your competitors to find you.
How do You Stack Up to Your Local Competition?
Now, it's time to go back over each of your results for the above terms again with a competitive analysis. Check to see which of your competitors Google is listing in the top five spots of both their organic (free) rankings and their local map search. If you made it to the top five returned links, congratulations! Your users can find you online! Of course, even if you placed in the top five of all three searches, another hard truth is your audience is not just searching for these key phrases. If you did not place in the top five or on the first page altogether, that is a clear sign your customers are not able to find your business online.
What can You Do to Improve Your Local Rankings?
So, you found your website listing on the second or third page of your local search return. Now what? If you find your website URL is showing up too far down the listings for potential browsing clients to see it much less click on it, then it is time to take action! The good news is there are a large number of ways you can bring up your rankings on search engines affordably starting with hiring the SEO experts at Architechs for the Web. With our proven techniques that have helped our clients improve their rankings in competitive markets for over a decade, you will be getting noticed by searching users who need your services in no time!
Which Architches for the Web Services Should I Use?
Never fear! Take advantage of our free offer for a competitive consultation that includes reviewing your competition to learn what strategies are working for them to receive the top spots you want. Then, we will go over how affordable moving up in your rankings can be as well as reveal our plan for maximizing your online marketing efforts. This strategy may cover all of Google's favorite elements, such as a secure website with casually placed focus keywords throughout each page or a few a la carte items, such as monthly blog articles or social media posts that highlight your team and services and PPC ad campaign management services that place your website URL above even your most fierce competitors with popular searches.
Why Choose Architechs for the Web?
When you are ready to start getting noticed online and give your website traffic a profitable boost, contact the SEO gurus at Architechs for the Web! All of our services are custom-made to attract more attention from search engines and catch the eye of those doing the searching. Plus, the only thing you need to do to get started growing your firm online is fill out our contact form or call us at 386-951-4770. The time to begin taking control of your online traffic is now! Contact us today!
Enjoy a free SEO consultation by filling out our contact form on our website or by giving us a call at (386) 951-4770. We create amazing websites and our clients rank top on Google. Let us put our knowledge, expertise, talent, and tools to use for you and your business! Contact us today.