Cutting Edge Application Development at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit
- Oct 09, 2017
- Architechs for the Web
- Web Design Company
The Adobe ColdFusion Summit is just around the corner. This year, engineers and developers will be taking advantage of this unique opportunity to get up to date on ColdFusion application development. Architechs for the Web will also be present. The workshop is from November 16-17, 2017. If you’re lucky enough to have purchased your tickets early, you may even be attending the pre-conference workshop on November 15.
Cutting Edge ColdFusion Development
Since we use ColdFusion for application development for our clients, it’s important for us to stay up to date. We invest in continuing education to ensure that our clients stay on the cutting edge of technology. For example, the upcoming summit discusses new features that are coming to ColdFusion with the next release. Additionally, we’ll spend time learning more about:
- API development and management
- Performance tuning and management
- Mobile application development
- PDF manipulation
- Advanced security
- Deploying with Amazon Web Services
- Migrating legacy applications
One of our biggest concerns is ensuring the security of our client’s websites and application. We are excited to hear about advanced security features that can be implemented with ColdFusion. Additionally, we’ll focus our attention on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a hosting service that can be used to deploy websites and APIs.
Application Development for Your Business
When it comes to website design and application development for your business, you want to work with a company that has experience and is up to date with the newest technologies. Application development isn’t something that your company should handle internally, unless that’s one of your business’s core services. Instead, you need developers who can handle your complicated projects for you.
Whether you need a website that allows customers to order online from you, a blog to help with content marketing, a mobile website your customers can view from their phone, or all of the above, Architechs for the Web can help.
Our client's websites make it as easy as possible to do business with them. Our clients are seeing increased leads and sales. Whether you’re encouraging customers to contact you online or submit an order directly on your site, our team will help you grow your business.
How App Development Can Help Your Company Grow
There is almost always room for growth if you use the right strategies. And we’re not talking about spending thousands of dollars on television ads. Instead, the focus for small, medium, and large-sized companies is now on app development. Web applications and mobile apps are here to stay, and your customers are coming to rely on them.
Application development doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy to help your business succeed. Of course, you can decide to create a phone app that helps your customers solve their biggest problems surrounding your products and services. But before you do that, your company needs to make it easy for your customers to do business with you.
The answer lies in creating a custom-designed website, specifically built to help your customers walk through the process of getting to know you and buying from you. Your site should make it easy to order your products and services, receive a quote for custom orders, or just get in touch with you for a question.
What Your Customers Are Looking For
Your customers want to place an order whenever they have the time, even if it’s outside of your business hours, and your staff is fast asleep in bed. They also want to have the option to browse your site or order your products from their mobile device. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, then you’re losing potential business every single day. That’s frustrating, especially if you’re spending a considerable amount of time generating that organic website traffic. Architechs for the Web has the experience to help you and your company with your marketing, web design and application development needs.
Your customers are looking for answers to their problems. If you help them solve their problems, and show them how your product or service solves their problem by positioning yourself as an expert in your industry, they will come to you for help.
Enjoy a free SEO consultation by filling out our contact form on our website or by giving us a call at (386) 951-4770. We create amazing websites and our clients rank top on Google. Let us put our knowledge, expertise, talent, and tools to use for you and your business! Contact us today.