Understanding Micro-moments - Part One of Two
- Apr 07, 2017
- Architechs for the Web
- Digital Marketing
The key to any successful e-Commerce business is capturing sales and making sure your conversion rate is as high as possible. The perennial question, of course, is how to do that? Google has identified key moments in the habits of shoppers, where they make decisions and shape their brand preference. They call these micro-moments.
There are four basic types of micro-moments that will influence both your prospective and your current customers. They are the moments of knowing, going, doing, and buying. By making sure that your website is leveraged to handle the first three, you increase your conversion rate and boost your sales. Here’s a brief breakdown of what those four moments entail.
- I Want to Know - When it comes to discovering new information, more and more consumers are finding their answers online. Additionally, Google has reported that more Google searches now take place on mobile devices than traditional computers. When it comes to advertising and shopping, over 2/3rds of all smart phone users use their phones to find information about something they’ve seen in an ad.
Establishing your website as an authority in your field plants your business in the consumers mind as the go-to for any questions related to it. This means creating original and informative content for your site that not only ranks high on web searches, but is easily shared. Your digital marketing agency can help you find your unique voice that draws users in and makes them look to you for answers.
- I Want to Go - If you’re a brick and mortar store with an online presence, this is a key micro-moment for your business to capture. Google has seen the number of “near me” searches in the past year double. Over 82 percent of smartphone users are turning to Google or another search engine to find you. Positioning your web presence to draw in that consumer base is vital to getting foot traffic in the door.
- I Want to Do - Another kind of search for mobile users is the how-to search. On YouTube alone, there have been over 100 million hours of tutorial videos that have been viewed this year. When it comes to watching them, over 9 out of 10 smartphone users are turning to their mobile devices. No matter what your product is, there’s a way to create a fun and informative video to help your customers. And that kind of content is going to result in organic shares, repeat visits, and a higher conversion rate.
Creating that content doesn’t have to be difficult. We can help you draft, design and create whatever type of tutorial your product needs.
I Want to Buy - This is, of course, the micro-moment that you’re after. And there are several ways to capture this one. More customers are turning to their smartphones and mobile devices to make purchases. Furthermore, over 82 percent of mobile users check their phones when they are in a store before they buy.
This is the reason why ensuring that your site and brand are capturing the other three key micro-moments is essential to converting browsing into purchasing. While the knowing, going and doing moments lead to other equally essential conversions, such as signing up for email, texts or other social feeds, nailing this micro-moment adds directly to your bottom line.
Of course, reviewing your website to ensure that you are poised to make the most of these micro-moments can be difficult. It’s not just an investment of time, but also of expertise. Let our marketing and design experts help you look at where you can increase your capture rate of a growing mobile market.
Enjoy a free SEO consultation by filling out our contact form on our website or by giving us a call at (386) 951-4770. We create amazing websites and our clients rank top on Google. Let us put our knowledge, expertise, talent, and tools to use for you and your business! Contact us today.