4 Simple Ways to Improve Website Organic Ranking
- Nov 01, 2022
- Architechs for the Web
- Search Engine Optimization
Has your website's organic traffic been low recently? Are you not getting viewed as much as you think you should? What exactly is a website's Organic Ranking? Your website's organic ranking has everything to do with the earned traffic from a search engine (like Google, Yahoo, or Bing).
With organic search results, these are unpaid listings. These companies did not pay to be listed on the top page of the search results. Instead, they used strategic hard work to get their top rankings. This means their website's content contains incoming links, proper domain authority, and SEO efforts, making it relevant to user searches. While most strategies tend to be long and complicated, the kind that you would need an expert to implement, here are five simple ways that will help you to improve your website's organic ranking.
Add Appealing Visual Content
Do you have a business with a lot of information, data, or knowledge that you want to get out to the world? Did you know that the average human has an attention span of about 8 seconds? This is about how long it takes to read a few opening sentences of an article, and already at this point, the reader has been distracted by five different things.
There is a secret to getting your information out there in a way that catches your viewer's attention and is easily digestible. When you update your website and add new information for your customers, consider using more visual content such as infographics, images, and videos.
It has been shown that 90% of information transmitted to our brains is visual and processes faster than text. Therefore, visual content, such as infographics, images, and videos, can help people better understand information that might be complex. Besides being more digestible, visual graphics also give the reader a choice on whether they want more information.
Update Content Regularly
As a business, you want to ensure that all the information you provide to your customers/clients on your website is correct. This means updating all of your content as frequently as possible. But it isn't just to ensure your customers have accurate information. For any website, regularly updated content is how search engines best indicate how relevant the site is. Some examples of the information you will need to update frequently include services, locations, blog posts, and staff information.
One important thing to remember when updating your website content is that every time you update your site, a search engine sees your changes, takes note, and then proceeds to move your ranking spot. So, the more you update your information, the better your ranking!
Make Sure Your Content is User-Friendly and Easily Readable
Internal links are essential for any website that wants a high search engine ranking. When creating content for your website, how easily viewers can read it is very important. Content that is easily read helps your target audience understand what you are trying to say. It also helps to eliminate any chances of misunderstanding.
It is also essential that when constructing the content for your website, you include some internal links when referencing past articles or images. Not only does this help make your website more user-friendly and provide your users with more relevant information, but it also helps search engines find, understand, and index all of your website's different pages.
Keep Your Blog Updated And Make Posts Shareable On Social Media
Another way to help your website's organic ranking with all the different search engines is to ensure that your blog is constantly updated with relevant and easy-to-understand information. In addition, knowing your target audience, identifying your keywords, and creating original & engaging content will all help with increasing your ranking.
But that isn't the only thing you should do when looking to increase your organic ranking. One other step that you should consider is making sure that all of your blog posts have the capability of being shared on social media platforms (like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) by your customers/clients. Your business being advertised with the word-of-mouth testimonials of your clients/customers can be just as effective to your organic ranking as carefully curated professional content.
There are many easy ways to boost your website's organic ranking! All you need to do is remember a few things. Always make sure you use appealing visual content and update your content regularly, make sure that your content is user-friendly, easily readable, and ensure your blogs and articles can be shared on social media!
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