3 Reasons Your Business Needs a Clear Brand Identity Online

  • Oct 15, 2021
  • Architechs for the Web
  • Digital Marketing

People pointing at brand performance analytics on a tabletIf your website is not attracting a lot of traffic, the issue could be how your brand is listed on different channels. One of the primary mistakes businesses often make when first forming an online presence is to use a different name for the company when setting up each online account. This could include subtle differences like capitalization variances as well as adding words like "The" or a city location. Discover why developing a clear brand identity across all channels is a critical component of your online marketing strategy and what you can do to improve your brand performance after different names have been used.

What Does it Mean to Create a Brand Identity?
A brand identity is comprised of your company’s name, vibe, and message that you want to share with current and prospective customers through online and offline marketing campaigns. A clear brand identity can make a company seem more engaging and stand out from the sea of competition. Be sure your brand embodies how you want the public to remember and view your company, team, and the products and services you offer. Your brand name, including the spelling of the selected name, should be easy to recall for search and conversation purposes while reflecting your business philosophy and overall environment.

A Clear Brand Identity Helps Google Find & Trust Your Site
Google is searching for either the company name the search user types or products and services you offer on business sites that have an extensive digital footprint. That digital footprint is created by using the same brand name and related content to signify that this is a trusted, verified, and reliable source for information Google’s search users will want to know. Since businesses can have slight variances in the name to represent a separate company, any difference in capitalization, punctuation, spacing, or wording could reduce your digital search return listing to one website or social media channel link.

Inconsistencies in Your Brand can Impact Your Number of Site Visitors
Think one URL on the search return for your related products and services or company name is enough? Likelihood is your competitors have multiple companies, channels, and platforms linking to their websites using the same brand identity. This means more businesses and social media channels trust those more established businesses. Hence, your lesser-known business URLs may be pushed down the search return listings. In fact, in a fiercely competitive market, you may not be listed on the first four pages of the search return without a clear brand identity. If your links are not posted on the first page for the products and services you offer, your website is not likely to see very much activity.

A Clear Brand Identity is More Likely to Be Remembered
Let’s assume you have the perfect brand name that is easy to remember. Now, it’s time to remind your prospective and current customers of your brand through your website, social media channels, Google My Business, and pay-per-click (PPC) ads. One brand spelled the same way in each location and seen on multiple channels boosts the chances of your customers remembering to look for your company by name when they need your products and services.

What if My Business has Different Name Variations Online?
The great news is changing your brand name on over a hundred sites, including social media channels, can be an easy solution that can increase your search return rankings and help both search engines and customers find your business online. Simply pay a minimal fee each month for a listing management service and share which site shows your correct information to copy for your other listings. In addition to unifying your brand for searches, you will be able to protect your brand against unauthorized changes, verify your business hours and local information at once, and add promotional links, images, or messages in a snap.

What if I Change My Business Name?
If you have decided to scrap your business name altogether, it’s never too late to construct a brand identity that better represents your unique company message. At this point, we strongly advise taking advantage of our free initial marketing consultation to discuss your best path forward by giving our experienced search engine optimization (SEO) gurus a call at (386) 951-4770 or fill out our contact form on our website. We will walk you through how to both transition your new brand with current customers and establish your brand identity with those search users who may be visiting your website or learning about your company for the first time.

But, don’t wait! Your inconsistencies are preventing you from engaging more customers online and off. Reach out to Architechs for the Web and let us help your start attracting more attention now!

Enjoy a free SEO consultation by filling out our contact form on our website or by giving us a call at (386) 951-4770. We create amazing websites and our clients rank top on Google. Let us put our knowledge, expertise, talent, and tools to use for you and your business! Contact us today.